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Welcome to Erin and Meghan's virtual brain!! We are both Fortesqueues!
At the Zoo: "This photo provided by the Zoological Society of San Diego shows a baby pygmy slow loris at the San Diego, Calif., zoo's nursery Thursday, July 27, 2006. The male was born June 24, and is now on display in a larger enclosure as it"
HEAR YE! HEAR YE!! - Zoo elephants mourn matriarch - Bus Driver Charged With Criminal Sexual Conduct: "Police were contacted after the 5-year-old girl told her mother she got to see 'Gary's hot dog'."
Having a rough day? Need a laugh or two? Try some laughing yoga. At the very least you're guarenteed to laugh at the yogi...
Mickey Rourke Cut Off His Own Finger Because He 'Didn't Want It' - Starpulse News Blog