Fortesqueue or Stanislaus?
Welcome to Erin and Meghan's virtual brain!! We are both Fortesqueues!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006

"Barely two months ago, the 38-year-old French divorcee received the world's first face transplant and this exclusive photograph reveals the full extent of her remarkable transformation.
Last May, she had a wide, tilted nose, a prominent chin and thin lips. Today, the donated face of suicide Maryline Saint-Aubert has given her a straight and narrow nose, a neater chin and a fuller mouth.
Five months earlier, Miss Dinoire's features were destroyed when her labrador savaged her while she was unconscious after a drug overdose. Her face was left a patchwork of torn flesh and exposed bone – so shocking that one of her two teenage daughters refused to look at her.
Miss Dinoire could not venture out of her home on the outskirts of Valenciennes, northern France, without wearing a dental mask. And the stares of strangers and their insensitive comments left her depressed.
"She certainly does not look like the living dead. She's eating and drinking without dribbling.
As a single parent, she had struggled to cope with her daughters and, according to friends, spent most of her time chain-smoking in front of a TV.
Then it emerged that the 46-year-old donor had committed suicide."

"An Indian man has been living in a tree for the past 15 years despite passionate appeals by his mother to return home.
Kapila Pradhan, 45, a resident of Nagajhara village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa, left home after an apparent tiff with his wife.
'My son and daughter-in-law quarrelled constantly after their son was born and their relationship soured day by day,' says his mother Sishula.
'One morning I found my son had left the house while everybody was still asleep.'"
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Our Japanese soul brother!
Best of 2005 - Animal Kingdom Panorama
Click and have a peek at our animal friends up close and personal!
Friday, January 27, 2006

Hello babies. Welcome to my Play Pen. I love taking care of AB's. It's my passion to provide the best service for the cheapest prices possible. My babysitting sessions are quality and you get nothing less than a caring and loving mommy to care for her baby.
I am able to do most any request. I have no problem taking a thickly diapered baby out to Mc Donald's and treat him/her like the baby you are. If you want to be spanked or punished in public I can do that as well. You want to be changed I can do that as well. I am extremely flexible. Just ask.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Size of beaver carcass impresses work crew:
The call went out that a dead beaver was in the middle of Lewisburg Pike, so the Franklin Solid Waste Department sent a couple of guys in a pickup truck to clear the animal off the road.
When they got to the site earlier this month, they found more than they were expecting.
"This bad boy was big,' said Joe Williams, solid-waste director.
Before disposing of the carcass, the crew put it on a scale and discovered it weighed 60 pounds. Williams said they also measured the beaver and found it to be 42 inches long.
'His paddle tail was about 12 inches long, 8 inches wide. … His bottom teeth were about 4 inches long,' he said.
The beaver was found on the road near the former Country Club of Franklin golf course, where it apparently had been struck by a vehicle.
'Whoever hit this bad boy, they knew they hit something,' Williams said."
Monday, January 23, 2006
The Japan Times Online: "
KYOTO (Kyodo) A former assistant nurse was sentenced Monday to three years and eight months in prison by the Kyoto District Court for tearing off the nails of six female patients.
Akemi Sato, 32, who worked at Jujo Hospital in Minami Ward, Kyoto, removed the fingernails and toenails of the six patients between September and October 2004, to relieve the stress she felt from the work imposed on her by her supervisors, according to the Kyoto District Court.
'The acts were cruel and relentless,' presiding Judge Ryuichi Higashio said.
He said Sato took care that other people would not see what she was doing to the patients and pretended to be the one who discovered the acts."
CANOE -- CNEWS - Politics: Ballot box stolen, run over with truck
NEW GLASGOW, N.S. (CP) - Voters in a central Nova Scotia community have another Ballot Bandit in their midst.
Police say a man ran into a polling station in New Glasgow, grabbed a ballot box, and drove over it with his truck. The bizarre incident, a few hours after the polls opened Monday in the Maritimes, was similar to another case in the same town during the federal election in 2000.
In the latest incident, the box was reduced to a torn and crumpled mess, but the 57 ballots inside were recovered and placed in a new box, said Elections Canada officials.
"They're OK, unspoiled and back in the box," said returning officer Lottie Stewart. "Everything is fine."
Officials called police, who quickly made an arrest. A 56-year-old faces charges of theft and damage to property. Police also expect to lay charges under the Canada Elections Act.
Guiding Principles: "
Biblical Principles that guide
the Christian Heritage Party of Canada
Party principles are based on these Biblical ethics and are unalterable:
* There is one Creator God, eternally existent in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
* The Holy Bible to be the inspired, inerrant written Word of God and the final authority above all man's laws and government.
* Civil government to be under the authority of God.
* The purpose of civil government is to ensure freedom and justice for a nation's citizens by upholding law and order in accordance with Biblical principles.
* Decision-making processes by civil government must not in any way contravene these Biblical ethics."
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Falling banana kills woman - NSW/ACT - Breaking News 24/7 - "SHE survived brutal Nazi and Communist regimes to ultimately be brought down by a banana."
Friday, January 20, 2006
Drumheller in the news!!
The Calgary Sun - Body removed from coffin in funeral home break-in:
"Drumheller RCMP hope to unearth some clues in a truly strange break-in at a local funeral home.
And why the body of an elderly woman was removed from her coffin and left on the floor sometime during the night of Aug. 20 or the morning of the 21st is as much a mystery as the identity of whoever did this, said RCMP Staff Sgt. Rene Wells.
'It's not every day somebody breaks into a funeral chapel,' said Wells."
After the break-in was reported, several items at the scene in the community about 140 km northeast of Calgary were examined by specialists.
The results of those tests and how the suspects managed to get into the funeral home are not being released.
42 die in Slovak plane crash: Our peeps were killed! Sad...
...also sad:
A man has died after a dog apparently fell from a freeway overpass and crashed through the windshield of his car, police said yesterday. "We've had rocks and other stuff like that fall off of overpasses. This would be the first dog we've had," said Shaw, who has been with the state police for 11 years.

Thursday, January 19, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Our Second Cousin Has Been Shot and Killed....

Published: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Gunfire echoed through a downtown office tower Monday morning, as a Calgary commercial mortgage lender was shot in what's believed to be a revenge killing by a man recently turned down for a business loan.
Efforts by an employee to revive Jack Beauchamp, president of Morbank Financial Inc., were not enough. The 49-year-old father of three was pronounced dead in his 12th-floor office just after 8 a.m.
"I can't believe this would happen to a guy like him," said longtime friend and business associate Gerry Garvey of CMS Real Estate. "He was the sweetest guy you'd ever want to know."
Beauchamp's immediate family was too distraught to speak Monday night, but a family member said a statement would be issued to the media today.
About three hours after the shooting, the police tactical unit arrested a 52-year-old man at a residence on Mount Douglas Point in the city's southeast.
Late Monday, police were searching the suspect's Douglasdale home
The man, taken to police headquarters for questioning just before 11:30 a.m., had allegedly threatened Beauchamp recently, Acting Staff Sgt. Chris Matthews of the homicide unit said, adding the man was previously known to police.
Sources told the Herald that Beauchamp was likely killed in revenge for turning down a business loan. No charges had been laid by Monday evening.
Paramedics were called to an office tower at 635 8th Ave. S.W. at 8:02 a.m. after receiving a call from an office employee about a possible shooting.
Police arrived within minutes to find the deceased man with "apparent gunshot wounds," duty inspector Paul Manuel said.
Manuel added that no employees were in the office at the time of the incident.
Beauchamp was from Drumheller, Garvey said, and was a devoted family man to his wife and three teenage children.
He was a University of Alberta graduate and had been in the lending business since 1979.
Morbank Financial Inc. was founded eight years ago.
"This guy was a renaissance man in every sense of the word," Garvey said. "He loved politics and literature and history and books and art and music. He wasn't about money and loan sharking.
"He golfed and coached baseball and volunteered," he said.
"A true gentleman."
Others who knew Beauchamp are baffled by the shooting.
"I can't imagine anything he might have done that would result in something like this," said Richard White of the Calgary Downtown Association. Beauchamp served as an association board member several years ago.
"I was just in his office Friday, chatting with him," White said. "It's just baffling to me."
"The work they do is not high risk, or venture," he said of the Morbank company. "They deal with first mortgages, repeat business, short term."
A male who answered the phone at the Beauchamp residence in Lake Bonavista declined comment.
Many workers in the 25-storey office building had no idea what had happened.
"I got an e-mail with regards to someone getting shot on the 12th floor," said Cory Gutowski, who arrived for work at 7:20 a.m.
"It's a bit freaky. It hits close to home."
R.I.P Jack. You were a good person and we were lucky to be related to you. Love Erin and Meghan
Monday, January 16, 2006
Those who are fish-phobic should definitely stay away from here! Check out this Incredible Fishing Video! It's insane, especially near the end.
Unreal:Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot. People actually let their (young) kids go nuts firing at cars.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Check it out: a Nalgene coffee press!
This little item was specifically crafted for camping Megatrons.
To find out more about it click here: PRESS-BOT

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency alleges Zeisman tried to smuggle a 1989 Mercedes-Benz as well as 112 bottles of liquor in July 2004 from the U.S. into Canada. He's also accused of lying to customs officers about the incident.
Tao of Poker: Pauly's Poker Blog: "Welcome to the gambling ramblings of Pauly... a writer, traveler, and degenerate online poker player from New York City"
Tampon Angel Pattern: "1. Dip into water until tampon expands.
2. Remove and tie at the top to create the angel's head.
3. Let hang (by handy dandy string) for several days until dry.
4. Paint face with peach or skin tone color, and draw small
black dots for eyes.
5. Add blush or pink paint to cheeks.
6. Paint 'dress' with glimmer paint.
7. Criss-cross thin gold ribbon across chest (around neck) .
8. Add yellow doll hair to top of head as well as a gold
pipe cleaner for a halo.
9. For the grand finale...glue small gold angel wings to back.
Ta da!!!
You would never know she belonged anywhere other than your tree!!!!
People have to look long and hard to figure out where that
little darlin really is from!!!"
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The Shirt - A nifty little origami shirt that can be made out of any paper money.
Friday, January 06, 2006 - News - Family Finds Raw Meat Instead Of iPod Inside Sealed Box: A 14-year-old girl who received a new Apple iPod opened the sealed box and found raw mystery meat inside, according to a Local 6 News report.
Rachel Cambra purchased a new high-tech iPod for her daughter as a gift this week.When she opened the sealed box, the device was missing and in its place was a piece of raw meat, the report said.
Cambra said the box was sealed and that it didn't appear to have been tampered with when she brought it home from the Honolulu Wal-Mart where she works.