Size of beaver carcass impresses work crew:
The call went out that a dead beaver was in the middle of Lewisburg Pike, so the Franklin Solid Waste Department sent a couple of guys in a pickup truck to clear the animal off the road.
When they got to the site earlier this month, they found more than they were expecting.
"This bad boy was big,' said Joe Williams, solid-waste director.
Before disposing of the carcass, the crew put it on a scale and discovered it weighed 60 pounds. Williams said they also measured the beaver and found it to be 42 inches long.
'His paddle tail was about 12 inches long, 8 inches wide. … His bottom teeth were about 4 inches long,' he said.
The beaver was found on the road near the former Country Club of Franklin golf course, where it apparently had been struck by a vehicle.
'Whoever hit this bad boy, they knew they hit something,' Williams said."
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