Fortesqueue or Stanislaus?
Welcome to Erin and Meghan's virtual brain!! We are both Fortesqueues!
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Monday, September 20, 2004
BBC - Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Body - Senses Challenge Try this test out! It's 20 questions that probe how sensitive your sight, sound, touch, taste and smell are. I got 9/20 on my first try.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
I recently subscribed to Fredericton's local paper, The Daily Gleaner. After two years of living in this town I figured that it is about time that I get to know what is going on around here. The nice lady on the phone told me that it would start being delivered the very next day. On thursday morning I went straight from my bed to the front door to see if my new paper had arrived. Nothing. I kept checking every half hour all morning. Still nothing. Off I went to school and sure enough when I came home it was lying on the ground of the sun porch. Well for the next three days the paper did not arrive until well after noon. Is this normal? Aren't newspapers supposed to at least be delivered in the morning? After all, the very same issue of the Gleaner is on sale right across the street at 6am! I figured that something must be up with my paper-lady. She seemed rather nice when she came to collect the $1.86 that I owed. Her teeth were really rotten, but otherwise she was rather sweet. I've just checked the FAQ section of the Daily Gleaner and check this out:
Q: When is my paper supposed to be delivered by?
A: Times & Transcript
7 AM Monday to Saturday
7 AM Monday to Saturday
The Daily Gleaner
5 PM Monday to Friday, 10 AM Saturday
What is up with THAT?!?! 5pm!! That sucks! My favourite part of getting a newspaper is being able to read it when I wake up in the morning. Should I cancel my subscription and just go across the street every morning or just tolerate this bizarre policy of delivery before 5pm? Schnarff. Any suggestions would be gladly appreciated.
New York Daily News - Girl, 6, finds dead L.I. mom soaked in blood: "All three children, Audrey, Mason and their 3-year-old brother, Stone, were at home when their mother was killed "
Is it just me or do you find it kind of strange to name your two sons "Stone" and "Mason"?
Can't Find On Google - Welcome to "Most of the time, you punch what you want to know into Google, and you instantly get what you're looking for. But have you ever had that experience, where you try query after query and no matter how hard you try, you just can't find what you're looking for? That's what this site is for -- because the things Google can't find are more interesting than the stuff Google can find. "
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Puzzles and Games Forums - Arms ready Take a second to check out this nifty piece of work.
Friday, September 17, 2004
Loved Like a Milkshake - A Tribute to Wesley Willis Come on all you Wesley fans out there, check it out!
September 17, 2004 -- SOME people get arrested for a cause — Edward Furlong just got busted for some claws.
The "Terminator 2" actor was locked up Wednesday night in northern Kentucky for "alcohol intoxication in a public place" after he tried to liberate a group of lobsters from a local grocery store's fish tank.
Furlong, a longtime animal-rights supporter who once refused to wear leather in a Calvin Klein ad, pulled the crustacean caper with friends at Meijer grocery store in Florence, Ky., according to a police report.
"The above and his friends were taking lobsters out of the tanks, when they were asked not to, they began to argue with management," reads the report.
When cops tried to frisk Furlong, "He put his arms above his head and started spinning around," an eyewitness tattled.
Furlong is on location for the filming of a movie called "Jimmy & Judy," by first-time directors Jon Schroder and Randall Rubin. Schroder bailed Furlong out of jail after only three hours behind bars, and the actor was back on the movie's set yesterday.
His reps did not return calls.
Furlong has always had a soft spot for animals. After filming a scene with two rats in John Waters' "Pecker," Furlong, fearing that the animals would be killed after the movie wrapped, called PETA and asked them to find the rodents a home. "Animals aren't props to be discarded when the movie is over," Furlong said at the time.
My Dark Horse Is Horny Check out this short little film. It's great to know that folks are out there making little works of art such as this.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Patrick Deuel, the half-ton man A group known as the League of Human Dignity helped arrange for Deuel to be driven to a local livestock scale, where he could be weighed.
CBC - New Brunswick: " A legislative committee has rejected a proposal to double the allowable cut on Crown land, calling instead for less clear-cutting and more forestry rights for rural New Brunswickers."
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
The Poor Mans Actor This link is dedicated to Murray Newman. Twin City!
Meet Craphonso Thorpe
Check out this paper airplane: Its wing actually FLAP! --The Flapper
Pig Porker gets caught in the act Picture of the stud is included! Oink oink!
MSNBC - Linda Hamilton says she has bipolar disorder This article is dedicated to our stepmother Rose. I always thought she kind of looked like Lina Hamilton, although the years don't seem to have been quite as kind to Rose as to Linda...
Sunday, September 12, 2004
los Ratones these bored people are fucking hilarious!
Monkeon's Galletarium I just love this guy/girl/thing...whatever creative force it is that does these awesome pics.
Friday, September 10, 2004
AWOL, an acronym for Alcohol With Out Liquid, is a machine that mixes spirits with pressurized oxygen. A cloudy alcohol vapor is created which can be inhaled. Check out the price of this machine... it's crazy!
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Last christmas when I went home my parents both mentioned that one side of my face looked swollen. After asking a doctor about this it turns out that I'm simply an asymmetrical girl. Click on the link below to see how your face measures up: Symmeter and SymFace - Facial Symmetry, Symmetry Measurement and Analysis
Find A Death I haven't completely figured this site out yet. From what my initial explorations tell me, the guy who does the site researches the death of folks in the media and actually goes to their graves as well as finds other interesting photos and tidbits. Sit back and have fun on this little morbid trip!
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Web Site Video Library for Online Viewing This is the coolest! You can watch footage of wacky creatures!

Monkey's Wisdom Includes:
Movement through ego
Ability to change environment
Family protection
Understanding excesses
Good health
Understanding success
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