Saturday, January 31, 2004

Swedish Vets Say Bestiality Bad for Animals Okay why isn't this illegal?!? And the similarities with child molestation?!?

Friday, January 30, 2004

Wild boars running rampant in Berlin to delight, fear of GermansKR Washington Bureau

sperm whale's insides lie strewn about after its belly burst due to decomposition while being transported

Thursday, January 29, 2004

NO JACKO?!? Judge: R. Kelly Can Go To Grammys, But Avoid Michael Jackson

Wednesday, January 28, 2004


Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Take it like a man, Legolas.

Secret Room Sends Jacko Into a Panic: Poor Jacko, gets locked in his own panic room and.... panics.

Erin and Meghan's Geriatric Hero! A man named Fran bowled 30 of a possible 36 strikes to become the oldest fella to bowl 800+ in 3 games. You keep on bowling Fran!

simply let us know why you love Mr Brain’s Faggots so much.

Von Hagens forced to return controversial corpses to China The fedora-wearing scientist now lives in the Chinese city of Dalian and employs 200 people to dissect and preserve corpses at a centre. The centre is close to three prison camps, which are home to political detainees and members of the banned Falun Gong movement

Monday, January 26, 2004

Papal blessing for break-dancers! Git' Down!

Woman allegedly auctions hymen

GummyDongs ...Dong Juan is Meghan and Dong Pickles is for Erin. Which one is for you?

Saturday, January 24, 2004

This site is pretty neat: Where's Willy? The idea is that you type in the serial number on the money in your pocket and it tells you where the bill has been! Spread the word: the more people participate, the more stories will be told!

Friday, January 23, 2004

American politics are funny at the best of times, but I just can't stop cracking up at Howard Dean's speech and subsequent primal scream in Iowa. YEEEAARRRGGHHHHHHH!!!!

This Is What One Looks Like After Emerging From A Vat Of Liquid Turds

Thursday, January 22, 2004


More funny Stephen Hawking tales: Nurse of Stephen Hawking forced to see him have sex! Imagine being paid to witness that?!? Do you know where I can get a job application?

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

This is sad: Conjoined twins not expected to live. They're such cute little munchkins too...

MY NEW FAVOURITE SITE! Gnoosic - Discover new Music Gnod is a self-adapting system that learns about the outer world by asking its visitors what they like and what they don't like. In this instance of gnod all is about music. Gnod is kind of a search engine for music you don't know about. It will ask you what music you like and then think about what you might like too. When I set gnod online its database was completely empty. Now it contains thousands of bands and quite some knowledge about who likes what. And gnod learns more every day. Enjoy :o)

Things Creationists Hate: Dendrochronology, Bats, Piles of Sand and Pi?

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

i am reading a funny thing about 4 elephants that got drunk and went on a rampage and beat up an electric pole and got fried! | Drunken elephants electrocted (January 20, 2004)

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Earth 'entering uncharted waters' this is spooky: "They believe humanity may cross some critical thresholds unawares, setting off changes which cannot be reversed."

Stephen Hawking repeatedly attacked by poltergeists.: This man is interesting just by virtue of being himself, but when you add some supernatual action to the mix.... well these are the kinds of stories that I can't get enough of.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Here is a funny little story for you folks: Cow in India Eats 1700 diamonds!!! The diamonds are tiny, so the poor farmer has to do some turd-searching to get his gems back.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Everyone deals with the spooky things in life differently; this woman has decided to launch a website called Tits Out for Multiple Sclerosis!! Maybe Shane should start up a site called "Balls Out for MS"?!?!?!

IOL : Israeli Ambassador vandalises Swedish suicide bomber art "According to museum director Kristian Berg, the ambassador went berserk in front of the 400 specially-invited guests when he saw the piece."

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Slideshow Court Sketches of Michael Jackson's Arraignment! This is good entertainment!

Okay Seriously Fucked Can anybody tell us what this is all about? Is it for children or men?!

Friday, January 16, 2004

Give yourself a nice chunk of time to check out this website: Fogey versions of celebrities. WEIRD! There are thousands of crazy photoshopped pictures... A virtual playground!

Michael Jackson. Go crazy with his face!

This is your boyfriend

Ok, now this website is right up our morbid alley!!! The deal is that you get to see a corpse rot!!!
How is that for a website tailor made to the McDermott girls grotesque curiosity?!!?!?!

Thursday, January 15, 2004

The title says it all: Jacko Bombshell: 'Jewish' Ex-Wife vs. Nation of Islam

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

I'm just exploring this website for the first time, it's called The Schnitt Show. There is a pretty funny picture of Saddam being taken out of his hideout hole.

If ever I hit the jackpot, I'm going to purchase a lifetime supply of Fart Filters for our ever so talented Fartiste siblings, Ariel and Aidan.

No patrol of the internet would be complete without a look at the Catwoman plastic surger disaster!!!

Monday, January 12, 2004

This site is dedicated to grandma Julia, with love.

Labrador loses the lard Abbey needs to get on this programme!!

Saturday, January 10, 2004

Maggot Art!!! Kids with maggots!! Maggot Art

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Check out these square watermelons!