Fortesqueue or Stanislaus?
Welcome to Erin and Meghan's virtual brain!! We are both Fortesqueues!
Saturday, December 20, 2003
Friday, December 19, 2003
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Ok folks, this has got to be one of the coolest houses out there! It's called The Mushroom House The inside of the place is designed to be like the inside of a tree! It's just amazing... the guy who created it has been working on it for 22 years in Whistler. Man, it makes me want to at least go and build a tree house!
Sunday, December 07, 2003
I did an Enneagram test again. Sure enough I'm still a Two on the Enneagram. Here are my results:

free enneagram test
Check out Jack Nicholson's coccaine-filled nostril! I've been wondering how he keeps up with all the young chicks he dates... Now I think I know his secret weapon!! Just don't inject it into your dong, Jack!!!
Friday, December 05, 2003
Seeing as how I find Jacko's face so funny, I am happy to announce that a professional forensic artist has made an image of what michael jackson may have looked like if he never altered his sexy face Michael Jackson Aging
Tiny Humanoid Creature Found In Chile This is a must-see.
McSweeney's website has a wonderful collection of short stories, letters, puzzles and much more to keep your hungry mind busy for hours. One of Shane's personal favourites! Go Wild!
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Check out these neat 3D images at Stereo Images - Time for Space. It's amazing how two dimensional pictures can have such depth. Heh heh!
There is a man named Akiyoshi Kitaoka who is a member of the psychology department at Ritsumeikan University in Japan. In his spare time he creates optical illusions! Some of them are just so neat! My favourite illusion is called Rotating Snakes. No matter where you look, the image keeps moving!
In other news: I need some help! Apparently there are seven horses in this picture, but for the life of me I can only see five. If anyone out there can find the other two horses, PLEASE enlighten me! I'll drive myself mad trying to find them...
One of my daily cyber rituals is to see what's shakin' at Weird Links . The guy that runs the site manages to fish out the craziest/wackiest/strangest sites from the depths of the Internet. The world is definitely a better place with a fella like this sharing his wacky finds with the rest of us weirdos.
One of the best cartoons ever made: Meatrix
Crazyness!!! We Canadians can be ignorant big time!! For example, how many of us know that the body in the USA responsible for granting and revoking broadcasting licenses is called the Federal Communications Commission? The insanity derives from the fact that the goddamn Chairman of this Commission is none other than Colin Powell's son!!!!! This is no lie! Check it out:
FCC Chairman Michael K. Powell No wonder the American media seems to regurgitate Whitehouse policies without any critical analysis.
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
The HisTory of Michael Jackson's face this is the greatest history of the man's face that I have found to date.