Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Deviant Desires - "how about: popping zits":

"Now the the huge zit that was under my husband's hub started to complain about soreness under his arm, like sharp pain...he said it had been bothering him on and off for a few weeks....i asked him to lift up his arm......ah what a beautiful sight...his entire underarm was inflamed and swollen to the size of a joke....and in the middle....was the most gorgeous cyst/pimple i had ever was the size of a small grape....i cleaned it with alcohol and used a pin to put a hole in bled like crazy....then there it was, the beautiful twisted up underarm hair....i pulled it out and it was dripping with tons of pus....but it doesnt end there....i went in for the squeeze....when i squeezed it was literally like his underarm vomited, first it was yellow pus, then greenish, then greyish...i wiped it but the flow of pus would not stop, i grabbed a small paper dixie cup and held it under his arm and the pus just came flowing into the cup even without squeezing!!!! 1/2 the dixie cup was filled with pus...we put a hot wet cloth on his underarm for about 1/2 hour, and it started all over again...i squeezed and it all this GREY pus just kept oozing out and would not stop, by the time we were done, we had a paper dixie cup full of grey/green pus.....just typing all of this is making my heart race so fast.....i pray all the time hub gets another one....i know that is mean but i dont care...hubby made me pour the pus down the sink i wanted to save it "