Here is one of my favourite Bush quotes of his presidency. It doesn't pack the same punch in written form, but it's still hilarious!
We've been really lucky here in Freddietown and have had a splendid autumn. I just watched Shane stroll off to school for the day and it struck me that it's November and he's just wearing a t-shirt and a light sweater. Even the colour-changing foliage seems to have stuck around a bit longer than usual.
Despite the mild weather, I am starting to get really pumped for the holidays.

I was talking to Ariel last night and she's on top of the game - she's already got the christmas tunes rigged up. I miss my clan. I actually feel normal when I'm around them. I've started to investigate events going on around the T-dot in December. Leafs games. Museum exhibits. Concerts. Sigh! All things that Sleepy Hollow just can't offer. In years past I never get as much done while I'm home as I had planned to. I want this year to be different. I'm going to make a list before I go and pay close attention to how fast the time flies. We always seem to veer off track just being together. Staying up late talking. Getting off to a late start because we sit around and talk. In the words of my mother: "don't just talk about it, DO it!"

Ok now go and treat yourself to a chuckle and watch this freaky Japanses ping pong video. You've got to hand it to humans - we can be pretty silly creatures.
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