For those of you with an appetite for zit-popping, watch this little clip. I love it how the guy is drinking beer the whole time. Who knew an ingrown hair could go so wrong?

For curious minds, who don't mind having illusions spoiled, check out
this link here. It lets the cat out of the bag on David Blaine's tricks. Remember when he was suspended above the River Thames for 44 days? Some people threw eggs and golf balls at him, while others held barbecues underneath his box and one man was fined after trying to sabotage his water supply. Some banged drums to keep him awake at night. There are some creepy people out there. Am I any better though for posting how he does his tricks?!?

...oh yeah, do yourselves all a favour and
listen to tracks from Wilco's new live album. You'll have a better day - I guarantee it. I owe infinite thank yous to Jim for purchasing their 1995 album "Being There." Listened to it at his house as we brought in New Year's 1997. You rock Jimmy - thanks to you I'm still enjoying the fruits of Wilco's labour.
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