Meghan's Nikon captured this moment in all its digital splendour. Abbey and I decided not to ruin the view, so we stayed out of it. Heh heh. But the strangest thing happend to us on our trek! Abbey sniffed some burrwatis in the bush and her tail darted out. A sure sign of some interesting life-forms.

We followed Abbey off the path and saw crystal blue eyes staring at us through the foliage. Only after hollering "scubanox come out!" did the creatures emerge. The individual seen below spoke first. He told us that his name is name is Jericho.

He introduced us to his lover Cedric. What a couple! I'm not sure if the world is ready for the likes of this duo. No wonder they live in the woods. They explained that their love has not been understood by most of the world, hence their hermitage.

Being the curious bitches that we are, Meghan and I asked Jericho how he kisses Cedric without getting his lips all sliced up by that sexy beak. He just laughed, reached deep into his pocket and handed us this product:

Apparently Jericho's love of mutilated lips pre-dates Cedric. He's been buying Embalmed Chopped Steak since he was a teen. Their quirky love is mutual, as Cedric is rather taken with Jericho's ability to grow nest-making materials out of his head. A match made in heaven...
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